2024 Spelling Bee
LPUMS Spelling Bee Representative is Andy Topasna, 8th grader from Team Jaguars. Beside him are Mrs. Guerrero and Mrs. Indalecio. Andy will represent LPUMS to the Regional Spelling Bee in March.
Great job to all the students who placed in the Top Ten Finalists! They are pictured with Principal Mrs. Agnes Guerrero, Spelling Bee Coordinator Mrs. Sheila Indalecio and the teacher judges. Finalists were (from left) Jonah Bordallo, Auralorae Camacho, Zoe Cacapit, Emi Cunanan, Andy Topasna (Champion), Johan Nebres (Alternate), Gleyn Alim, Khalia Adame, Jovni-Ann Sykap, and Khyle Olamit.
Great job to Spelling Bee Alternate Johann Nebres, 8th grader from Team Lions. Sorrounding her are the spelling bee judges (from left) Mrs. Haane Leon Guerrero, Mrs. Chirika Fernandez, Mr. Christian Gomez, Principal Mrs. Guerrero, Johann, Spelling Bee Coordinator Mrs. Sheila Indalecio, Mrs. Jessica Manalo, and Mrs. Ramona Duenas.
The Spelling Finalists were prepared!
The Judges were ready to listen to every letter.