Teacher Page
Socio-Emotional Lessons
For GoogleDrive access for LPUMS faculty only. Faculty must be logged in to GDOE account.
ESL Modification Reports are due on Nov. 15. Instead of individual hard-copy reports, teachers can now indicate modifications on PowerTeacher Pro.
Our ESL Coordinator, Liezl Chen, has a step-by-step guide on how to complete this process. Visit the webpage she has set up here.
Math and Reading Benchmark Data for all grades
SY2021-2022: The following was presented during the January Parent-Teacher Association meeting on January 14 by LPUMS teachers Gelmae De Dios and Chaina Pereira. The Google Slides presentation shows the Fall assessment AIMSWeb data for 6th, 7th, and 8th graders in math and reading.
Standards-Based Grading Tiered System

This flyer was created by our Instructional Coaches.
For their assistance on SBG and other concerns, email Geraldine Quichocho at gdquichocho@gdoe.net or Ryan Shipman at rdshipman@gdoe.net
PowerTeacher Pro Assistance
Instructional coaches Geraldine Quichocho and Ryan Shipman provided PowerTeacher Pro training in September and continued to answer questions and concerns in October. The video of the training can be accessed from the Shared Drive "LPUMS - Faculty."
Click below to review some clarifying documents:
LPUMS School Year 2020-2021
Online Learning Portal
In Mar
Summer Online Training: Google Classroom
Luis P. Untalan Middle School, in collaboration with GDOE's Project EETT, offered online training to LPUMS teachers in July and August in preparation for the opening of SY 2020-2021. The focus is on improving distance education skills through in-depth training on Google Classroom, other G Suite for Education apps, and third-party apps. LPUMS teachers Juvy Cariño and Joanne Matanane presented.
Topics covered:
Grading assignments
Providing feedback
Google Classroom gradebook
Topics covered:
Getting creative with G Suite
Quizizz, Kahoot, Quizlet
Third party apps & extensions
Video Conferencing/Creating Videos Professional Development
On August 11, Luis P. Untalan Middle School held professional development training for Google Meet and video production, presented by LPUMS teachers Rozalyn Pama, Anna Bermudes, Madrid Borja, and Ryan Shipman.
Google Meet Tutorial by Roz Pama
Intro to Creating Educational Videos by Anna Bermudes, Madrid Borja, and Ryan Shipman
Video Making Tips by Madrid Borja
Helpful Tutorials from YouTube
Grab & Learn Professional Development
On August 12, Luis P. Untalan Middle School provided training on standard operating procedures for Grab & Learn (online learning with hard copy) model of learning. Teachers Michelle Cruz and Kathy Salas and Instructional Coach Jana Salas presented.