Halloween 2023
Wildcats Were Wild for Halloween!
Awesome Participation Students!
Not Too Shabby Admin, Staff, and Faculty!
LPUMS' Cool Employees annual Halloween meeting
Mrs. Guerrero leads her band of cowboys and cowgirls in the Wild(cat) West!
Minion Social Workers
Incredible CHamoru Teachers
Up! standing Ms. Jerica and Mr. JD
Quick, catch these Pokemoning Emmanuels
Love-It Team Lynx
Shoot 'em Straight Mr. Chris and Ms. Jeanette
Casting Spells are Ms. Santos, Ms. Abad, and Mrs. Guevara
Mr. Jerar, Mr. JD, Ms. Jerica and Mr. Adrian going back to childhood
Got Catch 'Em All Mrs. Benavente with her students
Cute & Scary Cheetahs Mr. Saul, Ms. Miralles and Mrs. Indalecio
Stepin' Up! are Ms. Claudia, Mr. Collinz, and Ms. Liz with our Surgeon Dr. Choay
Having fun are Mrs. Duenas, Mrs. Choay, and two student teachers, Ms. Flores and Sinot San Nicolas
No red balloon here as it's Ms. Cepeda as Coraline
Ms. Woodward rockin' it
Ms. Bobbie pretty in Barbie pink
Mrs. Borja and Mrs. Leon Guerrero roaring in character