Red Ribbon Week 2023

This year's Red Ribbon Week will run from Oct. 23 to 31. According to Red Ribbon organizers, the campaign's goals are "focused on learning about the dangers of drugs and talking with students, family and friends in a united front to reduce drug use, drug misuse and addiction, especially to our young people." At LPUMS, the school held a Spirit Week, decorated the fence, made posters, and had school-wide, drug free awareness presentations. The Guam National Guard and the Guam Police Department also presented during our Red Ribbon Assembly on Oct. 31.

Read more about the Guam campaign from this article from the Guam Post

Red Ribbon Week Assembly

The Guam National Guard Counterdrug Program presented to all our students in three grade-level assemblies in the Gym on Oct. 31. Thank you 1LT Alejo Lujan, SSG Thomas Iglesias, and GPD Officer Chavez for presenting to our students. And much appreciation for Councelor Ms. Irene Aguilar for coordinating Red Ribbon Week this year!

October Spirit Week Gallery

Students dressed up to support a drug-free life. View Here

Red Ribbon Week Fence

The theme of this year is, "Be Kind to Your Mind. Live Drug-free."

Student volunteers for the fence.

Sudent volunteers and Counselor Ms. Aguilar (center).

Red Ribbon Week Banners