Welcome to
Luis P. Untalan Middle School

256 Vietnam Veterans Memorial Highway Barrigada, Guam 96913 • View School Map

LPUMS Mission Statement: "The Luis P. Untalan Middle School community will empower students with the knowledge that will enable them to be competent, productive, and responsible citizens in our society."
Icons on this page by Freepix
Administrator Contacts and duty areas: 
  • Mrs. Agnes Guerrero, School Principal (Teacher & Staff Evaluations, Business Office). Email: aaguerrero@gdoe.net
  • Mr. Jesse San Nicolas, Assistant Principal for Discipline & Attendance for 7th grade. Email: jtsannicolas@gdoe.net 
  • Mr. Robert Martinez, Assistant Principal for Curriculum & Attendance for 8th grade. Email: rgmartinez@gdoe.net 
  • Mr. Theon Flores, Assistant Principal for Special Education & Attendance for 6th grade. Email: tamflores@gdoe.net

If you have any immediate questions or concerns, please call the Main Office at 1 (671) 300-2726. You may also email us at wildcatsinfo@gdoe.net.

LPUMS Updates for SY 2024-2025

Let's make this school year safe and enjoyable for everyone on campus, wildcats! Keep informed by viewing the morning announcements. This slideshow updates every day. Thank you to Ms. Roz Pama for compiling them.


Wildcat Morning Announcements SY24-25
February 2025 Calendar.pdf

Clothing Drive

PTO fundraiser for Promotional

FUN RUN—The Parent Teacher Organization is sponsoring a fun run on Sunday, March 30 in Tiyan. Proceeds will go towards the 8th grade promotional on May 20. 

Anyone can join for just $15 per person or $50 for a group of 4 (save $10!). View the flyer for more info. 

Let's go wildcats! Register by going to the link https://my.raceresult.com/325418/

Guardianship Presentation

Wildcats Show Love By Participating in Spirit Week

SPIRIT WEEK—Starting Feb. 10, students can show their school spirit by following the February Spirit Week events until February 14. All week, in honor of Valentine's Day, is about showing LOVE. For three of those days, black uniform bottoms must be worn. Students, please follow the dress code in the student handbook. View the flyer for more details.

Parents: Please Respond to Survey on LPUMS 8th Grade Promotional

PARENT SURVEY—Plans are underway for the 8th Grade Promotional on May 20, 2025 at the University of Guam Field house. 

Pease complete the survey and have your child submit to their Excel teacher by Feb. 14, 2025.

Class of 2025 8th Grade Promotion Transportation Survey.pdf

Spelling Bee Competition Crowns New School Champion

CHAMPION SPELLERS—After 37 rounds of the Spelling Bee School Competition, a wildcat champion was crowned. Nine of our school's best spellers challenged each other on who could be the most accomplished wordsmith on campus. Ocean Palakiko, 7th grader from Team Tigers, is our 2025 LPUMS Spelling Bee champion. Erica Paulino, 6th grader from Team Jaguars, is the alternate. Ocean will move on to the island-wide spelling bee competition in March. A huge thank you to Ms. Sheila Indalecio of Team Cheetahs, for being the LPUMS Spelling Bee Coordinator. Thank you also to the judges: Mr. Christian Gomez, Mrs. Charika Fernandez, Mrs. Ha'ane Leon Guerrero, and Mrs. Michelle Cruz and the moderator Ms. Rozalyn Pama.

From left: Racel Asistores, Jovni-Ann Sykap, Khalia Adame, Abigail Manlangit, Principal Mrs. Guerrero, Ocean Palakiko, Erica Paulino, LPUMS Spelling Bee Coordinator Mrs. Indalecio,  Jorian Quichocho, Jasrich Ibay, Andy Topasna. The back row are judges Mr. Gomez, Mrs. Fernandez, Moderator Ms. Pama, Mrs. Cruz, and Mrs. Leon Guerrero.

From left: Congratulations to 7th grader Ocean Palakiko, our school Spelling Bee champion, and 6th grader Erica Paulino, the alternate.

Wildcats Welcome New Year with New Jackets & Bags

WILDCAT MERCH—Wildcats welcomed the new year with new school merch. Starting January 13, the LPUMS Business Office began distributing the jackets and bags to Lions and Jaguars teams. The black jacket is made of a light material and features a hood that can be hidden with a zipper pouch on the collar. The messenger bags are in three colors by grade: Black for 8th graders, gray for 7th graders and blue for 6th graders. There is a cat paw on the front pocket of each jacket and on the front of each bag to personalize them as Wildcat merch. Distribution continues until January 28, please see the flyer for more information. This activity is administered by the Guam Department of Education (GDOE) Federal Programs Division/Grants Office and funded by the U.S. Department of Education - Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Funds to include, but not limited to, the Education Stabilization Fund-State Education Agency, Education Stabilization Fund Il - State Education Agency, and the American Rescue Plan-Outlying Areas State Educational.

Officers of the Student Body Association pose with the jackets and messenger bags.

From left: Ms. Liz, Ms. Jeanette, and Ms. Zoey distribute the messenger bags and jackets during Excel period.

Mrs. Mateo's P.E. class pose with their messenger bags.

Mrs. Leon Guerrero's 8th graders pose with their jackets.

Happy Holidays, Wildcats!

CHRISTMAS RECITAL— The Luis P. Untalan Middle School beginning band and concert band performed in front of a huge audience at the Micronesia Mall Center Court on Dec. 12 for their Christmas Recital. Small ensembles and soloists also showed their musical talents. Congratulations to Band Director Joanne Matanane and her students for all of their hard work this past semester.

View more pictures here.

NJHS Bell Ringing at GPO

NJHS Gift Wrapping at the Mall

Mrs. Indalecio next to her balloon creations

Faculty Birthdays in December

Spirit Week Dec. 16-20

Make Up Picture Day

Bell Schedule for Dec. 19-20

Wildcats celebrate a Week of Gratefulness

THANK YOU - For the last week on November before the Thanksgiving holidays, Luis P. Untalan Middle School will have a spirit week. Please view the flyer for more info.

THANKSGIVING MEALS - Sodexo and GDOE will provide  a Thanksgiving lunch on Tuesday, Nov. 26. The meals are free for students as well as faculty & staff. Please view the flyer.

STAFF APPRECIATION—LPUMS is also celebrating its staff. The Parent-Teacher Organization organized the collection of monetary donations so they could provide three days of much-appreciated meals and goodies for our staff. Thank you, Parents & Guardians for donating. The PTO is also raffling off a Thanksgiving meal. Please view the flyer.

NO CLASSES —There will not be any classes held on Nov. 28 and 29.

Grateful to our Talented and Hard-Working Staff

Staff Appreciation Week

Get Ready for WeRead.

Tropical Storm Cancels Classes

WATCH THE HYPE—Check out our Hype Video for the WeRead. Literacy Program with an amazing array of Guam speakers!

Homeland Release 1pm.pdf

TROPICAL STORM— A release on Nov. 12 by the Office of Homeland and Security and Civil Defense announced the cancellation of classes due to the declaration of Tropic Storm Condition 2 by Acting Governor Joshua Tenorio. Please read the release for more information and listen to local media for updates.

Support Our Interscholastic Sports Athletes

SPORTS GAMES/MEETS—Catch a game and support our athletes this Second Quarter. Students attending the games must be accompanied by a parent or designated adult—students should not be dropped at the games and be left unsupervised. Click below to view the Second Quarter Interscholastic sports schedules:

Students allowed to use regular bags beginning Nov. 12

BAG POLICY—Students may begin utilizing their allowable regular school bags EFFECTIVE Nov. 12, 2024, as long as it complies with Board Policy 401, "Uniform Bag Policy".  ExCel teachers will review Board Policy 401 with your children. A kind reminder that searches are on-going as per Board Policy 407. Please view the letter and Board Policy 401 by the Guam Education Policy Board.

GEB BP 401.1 - Uniform Bag Policy.pdf

Please donate to NJHS Toiletry and Canned Food Drives

Red Ribbon Drug Free Video Wins First Place

DRUG FREE VIDEO—The LPUMS Yearbook Club collaborated with other LPUMS clubs and organizations and individual students to create a video against drugs for the Red Ribbon Campaign Guam Video Contest on Instagram. The theme is "Life is a movie. Film Drug Free." 
Update: Voting was from Oct. 23-Nov. 5 and our video received the most likes and won First Place among all the entries from elementary and middle schools. Congratulations to all students and faculty involved! Thank you to all who showed their support! 

Make Up Day is Online on Nov. 5

MAKE UP DAY— View the full flyer for more information.
From Mrs. Guerrero: 1) The attached is our school's Nov. 5 make up day flyer containing general information. 

2)  All employees report to work as usual since it is a regular work day with the exception that teaching is online. 

3) Teachers, please make sure you have a classroom phone that works and is connected. 

3) As a gentle reminder to teachers and long term subs, disseminate your lesson plan of instructions for that day by this week to your BLACK day STUDENTS. Teachers submit your copying requests to Mr. JD Kim and cc Ms. Bobbie.  

Last Week of October Full of Activities

ACTIVITIES— For the last week of October, there will be many activities happening. Students can choose to wear the day's theme for Spirit Week (see flyer). 

There will also be an school assembly, which includes a raffle for PAWS rewards. On Oct. 31, it will be a school-wide activity day in which many clubs and organizations will be selling drinks, having game booths, and sponsoring food trucks at the front parking lot. There will also be a Red Ribbon assembly in the morning to commemorate Red Ribbon Week 2024 with the Guam Army National Guard.

Spirit Week Themes

October Activities

Activity Bell Schedule

Parent-Teacher Conference 10/24

Picture Week Oct. 21 to 25

PICTURE WEEK—Students will be taking their school portraits in the LPUMS Library from Oct. 21-25 with their science classes, beginning with 6th and 7th graders on Monday and Tuesday and 7th and 8th graders on Wednesday and Friday, except for Cougars who will take their pictures Tuesday & Wednesday. View the picture packages from Guam Premium Art Photo.

SCHEDULEThe above is the tentative schedule of when classes will be going to the library to take their portraits. During lunch after 11:30am, students may also go in the library to take a picture with their friends or their siblings, maximum of 8. Groups must order an individual print or a package. All portraits and group photos will be in the 2025 LPUMS Yearbook.

2ND PLACE—Congratulations to 6th Grade Jaguar Hawon Lee for placing 2nd in the “Build your Dream Green Community” Drawing Contest for World Architecture Day. Her work can be seen on display from Oct 19 to the 25th at the Agaña Shopping Center.

CHAMPS—Congratulations to the LPUMS Boys Rugby team for reaching the top! They are this year's Interscholastic Sports Association middle school rugby boys champions! Congratulations to the Girls team for winning 2nd. Great job to all the players and the coaches.

3rd PLACECongratulations to the LPUMS Lady Wildcats Volleyball team for placing 3rd in the SY 24-25 Interscholastic Sports Association Middle School Girls Volleyball, defeating the F.B. Leon Guerrero Lady Hawks on Oct. 13. Great job to all the players and Coach Rodney Pama.

Wildcats take part in Great Guam Shakeout

LPUMS participated in the Great Guam Shakout on October 17, 2024 at 10:17am.

Parent Meeting on Oct. 16

MEETING—If you're a parent of an 8th grader, please join us for a meeting in the School Cafeteria regarding the end of the year promotional. Meeting starts at 5:30pm.

Wildcats Get Ready to Read Oct. 18

Implementing WeRead. In and Out of the Classroom.pdf

LITERACY PROGRAM—After months of planning and preparations, the Luis P. Untalan Middle School WeRead. Literacy Program is ready for implementation. "We are officially kicking off the WeRead. program on Friday the 18th," announced Mrs. Madrid Borja. "Attached is a presentation that explains more about how the program might look inside and outside of the classroom." Please view the presentation to find out more about the school-wide literacy program.

Join us for PTO Meeting on Thursday, Oct. 10

Dignitaries from the Palau Ministry of Education Visited Wildcat Campus

On Oct. 3, dignitaries from the Palau Ministry of Education visited the Luis P. Untalan Middle School campus. The group interacted with faculty, staff and students in classrooms, the STEM garden, and other areas around the campus.
Click here for the gallery.

Wildcat student leaders attend leadership conference

LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE—On September 13, over a dozen Wildcat student leaders attended the Rotaract Youth Leadership Conference at the Hyatt Hotel. They joined peers from other schools for a full-day event focused on student leadership, themed M.A.G.I.C.—Motivating Action to Grow, Inspire, and Create. Highlights included an inspiring talk by former Disney animator Davy Liu and networking with creators from Project: Inspire, actors from Breaking Wave Theatre, and Guam Green Growth. The event was organized by the Rotaract Club of the Marianas, the University of Guam, and Guam Behavioral Health & Wellness Center. 

Safety Concern Prompts School Bags to be Restricted on Campus Until Further Notice


Sept. 27, 2024 – In a recent development, the Guam Department of Education (GDOE) announced that effective Monday, September 30, 2024, middle and high school students are prohibited from bringing backpacks and/or other large bags, such as duffle bags, gym bags, and large purses, to school. Please read the release from GDOE.

Update: Clear or mesh backpacks are acceptable to bring on campus. For students who bring athletic bags, it will be placed in the Principal's Office. Students should label their athletic bag with a tag. If not, Ms. Kaley will have labaels available. The athletic bags can then be retrieved after school.

From GDOE Facebook Page

KUAM Highlights LPUMS Literacy Program 

LITERACY—KUAM News recently highlighted the school's new WeRead. literacy program with an interview of Mrs. Madrid Borja, who heads the program. "I hope this will get more people in the community interested in some of our efforts to connect with our students and increase student achievement and inspire them to create their own programs.," said Mrs. Borja. "We will be kicking off the program real soon. I can't wait!"

Parents Visit Campus for Open House  

OPEN HOUSE—Parents & guardians, visited the Luis P. Untalan Middle School campus on Wednesday, Sept. 18 from 6pm to 7pm to meet with their child's teachers. Teams held presentations and elective teachers provided brochures. 

View the Open House Gallery Here.

We need input from Wildcat Parents/Guardians

Please go to the online survey here and answer the 6 questions if you have not done so. Your responses will affect how the LPUMS Yearbooks will be produced and distributed.

Yearbook parent letter2.pdf

Next PTO Meeting

The first Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) meeting on Sept. 5, 6pm in the LPUMS Library.

School Supplies

From August 19-21, all students were given a set of school supplies purchased through Federal funds. View the flyer of the supplies provided.

Incoming 6th Grade & New Students Orientation

Students and parents: Please view the slideshow to familiar yourself on how to navigate the school year at LPUMS.

SY 24-25 New Student Orientation Presentation

LPUMS Passes Inspection

HEALTH & SAFETY—Luis P. Untalan Middle School was  evaluated by health inspectors from the Department of Public Health and Social Services on Aug. 14, the day before the first day of classes. In the past weeks before that date, the school community had worked tirelessly to get the campus in top shape—with many volunteering their time and money to make sure all demerits were addressed. The following week, LPUMS received it's passing grade. Great job, wildcats!

Security Solutions Volunteers Services

SECURITY—For the first week of classes at Luis P. Untalan Middle School, personnel from PMI Security Solutions volunteered to help students walk safely across five lanes of traffic and visibly direct motorists to stop during the morning rush hour in front of our school. Thank you to the men and women of PMI Security Solutions for volunteering their time and services!

Wildcats hold Professional Development

CPR & AED—The faculty and staff of Luis P. Untalan Middle School actively supported a new law that would help save lives on campus and during school-related activities. Headed by School Health Counselor Jocelyn Sabinay,  school employees trained in CPR (Cardiopulmonary resuscitation), first aid, and using the AED (the automated external defibrillator) in several sessions from Aug. 6 to 12. Public Law 37-25 requires that all schools and school-related activities must have availability to an AED. Nurse Sabinay said it is her goal to get all employees trained and certified. LPUMS now has a Code Blue Activation SOP, lead by the School Emergency Team, that will be activated in cases of medical emergencies such as when a student or school employee experiences cardiac arrest.

WEREAD. LITERACY PROGRAM—On August 7, the school community gathered for an all-day professional development session at the Tasi Ballroom of the Nikko Hotel to launch an innovative literacy initiative set to begin at LPUMS this year. Madrid Borja, an 8th-grade Reading teacher and Program Coordinator, developed the WeRead. Literacy Program and secured a four-year grant under the Comprehensive Literacy State Development (CLSD) Program. The initial phase of WeRead. focuses on preparing the school community for successful implementation. Along with 8th grade Language Arts teacher and Assistant Coordinator, Haane Leon Guerrero, Mrs. Borja led the school community through several engaging presentations and breakout sessions. Instructional Coaches Patrick Lujan and Melissa Duenas also assisted with breakout sessions. WeRead. WeConnect. WeShare.

Wildcats Represent Guam in Washington, DC Competition

GUAM DELEGATION—From June 9-13, 2024, over 3,000 students from around the nation and from international schools gathered at the University of Maryland near Washington, DC for the National History Day competition. Among the Guam delegation were three of our wildcats: Chloe Verbo, Gleyn Alim, and Isaura Aguon. Gleyn would end the competition by winning the Top Junior Entry from Guam, receiving a medal at the awards ceremony for her website. Congratulations, Gleyn! Accompanying the students was LPUMS Reading teacher, Jessica Manalo.
View The Wildcat Road to National History Day 2024 page

Wildcats Represent Guam in Chicago Competition

GUAM DELEGATION—From June 6-10, 2024, our Luis P. Untalan Middle School Academic Challenge Bowl team represented Guam at the National Academic Challenge Bowl Competition in Chicago. Pre-AP Reading teacher Michelle Cruz and Pre-AP Math teacher coached the 6-member team, who had successfully claimed the island-wide championship for SY 2023-2024. The group with GDOE Program Coordinator David Camacho from Federal Programs, which oversees the Academic Challenge Bowl competition on island.

View the ACB 2024 Page for more pictures

Visit our Special Sections

What Grants Pay for At LPUMS  Click Here

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