News & Announcements
And SY2021-2022 is Done
5-24-22: It's a tradition at Luis P. Untalan Middle School that all faculty and staff do an end-of-the-year wave to the busses to end the school year. This year, some car rider students joined in also as groups held signs to wish students a good summer.
8th Graders Ready for High School
Scroll through our behind the scenes of the Promo & Go 2022.
5-18-22: The drive-thru ceremony was held on Wednesday, May 18, 2022 from 9am-12:30 pm. Hundreds of students and their families graced the front of the school to celebrate their momentous school achievement. Thank you to the all the hard work from the staff, faculty, and administration for planning, organizing and managing the event.
"Huge Appreciation to everyone who made the 8th grade Promotion possible!" said our principal Agnes Guerrero. "Despite the 4 hour Promo & Go Ceremony, it was a special day to recognize our 8th graders for completing middle school and sending our farewell to them. Huge Special Thanks to Ms. Sheila Indalecio, parent and teacher, for the outstanding decorations!!! Beautiful!!! Thank you to our staff, faculty, and Barrigada Mayor's Office for all your teamwork to make it happen!!!"
View a recording of ceremony from GDOE's Facebook Live feed.
View a recording of the ceremony from the Wildcats Instagram page.
PICTURES: Premium Art Photo took individual pics of the 8th graders who attended. Parents/guardians and students may view, download, or order prints from their website with a password that was sent out by the school. If you are a parent/guardian or student and have not received the link and password, please request via email to Website Coordinator Mrs. Carino (
Thank you, Wildcat Teachers!
5-20-22: To LPUMS Parent/Guardians and students: LPUMS Teacher Appreciation Week is May 20-25, 2022. In celebration of Teacher Appreciation Week, the school is planning special surprises for our teachers. This year’s theme is, “WILDCAT TEACHERS LIFT US UP”. We would like to present our teachers with a special treat each day for the remaining school days. If you would like to participate, a list of ideas are provided in the letter that you and your child can participate in.<Read more in the letter from Mrs. Guerrero>

Read Mrs. Guerrero's Letter
Breakfast for teachers by PTA
We Appreciate our Teachers
Summer School 2022 Registration Accepted

The Guam Department of Education (GDOE) will be holding summer school for all students. For students in elementary and middle school, summer school will run from June 13 – July 22, 2022. In order for each school to adequately prepare a master schedule, all students who would like participate in Summer School for SY 2021-2022 will need to submit a Summer School Registration by Friday, May 6 to the LPUMS Main Office (temperature table at the entrance).
*5-20-22 Update: Registrations are still being accepted. Bussing is limited so drop them off as soon as possible. The Summer School Orientation will be held on Friday, June 10 at 9am.
Superintendent Bids Farewell to Wildcats
5-19-22: Guam Department of Education Superintendent Jon Fernandez visited our campus as part of his farewell tour, speaking directly to students, faculty, staff and administrators. The Superintendent recently announced that he will be resigning by July. He has made it his mission to visit all 41 GDOE schools by the end of the school year. LPUMS is the 21st school on the tour. Many of our students created banners and stood in the hallways to shake his hand or give him a high five.
"Thank you everyone for preparing and organizing your students and bidding farewell to our Superintendent," Principal Agnes Guerrero said to all faculty and staff. "It was last minute, and you all managed to get it together! He enjoyed seeing all the students and employees of the school. Huge Kudos to Mr. J.R. Gonzalo Fejeran for creating the Superintendent's farewell sign!!!"
Students & Parents: Please Answer Year-End Survey
5-20-22: <Superintendent Jon Fernandez's message> "Buenas yan Hafa adai! This school year is ending and what a challenging year it was for all of us. I would like to thank you again for your continuing support of your children as we partner together in preparing them for college and/or work.
In 2017 and 2019, we sent this YES Survey and made improvements to our services. Then the pandemic hit..." <continued in the survey>
Wildcats Again Dominate Guam History Day
5-19-22: History is alive and well documented by LPUMS wildcats, and they have the most wins above all other middle schools on Guam (public, private and military) for more than a decade! At the Guam History Day ceremony, wildcats placed first in 7 of 8 categories in the middle school division. Our social studies teachers, who guided all the participants, were also commended by the organizers from the Guam Preservation Trust and UOG's Micronesian Area Research Center.
Congratulations to these winning historians:
- Raeka Blanco, 1st Place Paper
- Aliden Kim, 1st Place Documentary Single
- Tasi Iglesias & Kailey Babauta, 1st Place Documentary Group
- Zoey San Nicolas, 1st Place Exhibit
- Jaelyn Han & Cadence Guzman, 1st Place Exhibit Group
- Arabella Abaya & Jessica Basaliza, 1st Place Performance Group
- Seth Verroya & Josiah Palomo, 1st Place Website Group
- Alyssa-Faith Togawa, 2nd Place Paper
- Sophia Youn, 2nd Place Documentary Single
- Colleen Concepcion & Isabela Olivario, 2nd Place Exhibit Group
- Christin Mafnas, 2nd Place Website
- Savannah Dela Rosa & Mikaela Borja, 2nd Period Website Group
- Genara Danila, 3rd Place Exhibit
Wildcats Dominate 2022 Science Fair
Winners from LPUMS
The winners were honored in an awards ceremony at the Hilton Hotel's Micronesian Ballroom on May 29, 2022.
5-17-22: The 44th Annual Guam Islandwide Science Fair winners were recently announced and Luis P. Untalan Middle School dominated the awards with 10 students placing in the Top 3. Additionally, LPUMS was the only public middle school on the list.
Anthony Gumataotao, science content representative, credits our school's many support systems. "Our success has many attributions—including our STEM Club, teachers like Arlene Castro who spends hours guiding students, a Pre-AP program, support from parents and the unique STEM environment at Untalan."
Sarai Dela Cruz, 7th grader at LPUMS, won First Place in the Ecology, Earth Science and Sustainability Category. She said doing her science project on the impact of grassfires on the soil was very stressful. "When I finished my interview for the islandwide science fair and found out I won, it was all worth it," Sarai said.
Sarai and the other first place winner, Jordan Calimlim, will compete in the nation’s premier STEM competition for middle school students, the Broadcom MASTERS®. Last year, 7th grader Anaiah Tareyama, made it into the Top 300 competitors for her science fair project.
Wildcats Win Dance Competition
5-15-22: It was a "Rainbow of Dances" and our wildcats won the pot of gold! After months of practices, the Luis P. Untalan Middle School Dance Group performed in front of a large crowd at the 10th Annual Islandwide GDOE Dance Competition and Showcase in the Micronesia Mall. And our wildcats out-danced the other schools there—winning First Place in the Middle School Hip Hop Division and 6th grader Chelsea Taga won First Place in Middle School Solo. The Guam Allied Dance Force, headed by Director C'zer Medina, organized the event.
The group entered the Middle School Hip Hop Large Group division and their dance was choreographed by coaches Shanice Castro, Vaneza Santos and 7th grader Trixia Sahagun. The Middle School Solo entry was choreographed and danced by 6th grader Chelsea Taga. Ms. Rozalyn Pama, the dance club advisor, said that the students were very dedicated and independent. "They practiced after school and during the weekends to prepare for their dance," she said. Congratulations to: Tristan Villavicencio, Tianna Nojadera, Dylan Casil, Trixia Sahagun, Chelsea Taga, Lehuanani Ballares, Charlie Cabarles, Aemilia Miranda, and Alyssa Viva.
Wildcat Wins Law Day Essay Contest
8th Grader Zoey San Nicolas accepts her prize for winning the Law Day Essay Contest.
5-14-22: Congratulations to 8th grader Zoey San Nicolas for winning First Place in the 2022 Guam Law Day Essay Contest! Zoey won $200 for her winning essay and was presented with her prize at the Carabao Run on May 14. "I'm really happy about winning first place," Zoey said. "It was an unexpected, yet welcome, surprise." Zoey's winning essay is entitled, Toward a More Perfect Union: The Constitution in Times of Change.
Sponsored by the Judiciary of Guam, the District Court of Guam, the Guam Bar Association, and Coast 360, the contest commemorated Law Day on May 1.
LPUMS Band Showcases Talent in Spring Recital
5-12-22: Students in the LPUMS Band performed and received awards during the LPUMS Band Spring Recital/Awards on May 12 & 13, at 7pm in the first floor GDOE Conference Room in Tiyan. Their performances were also streamed virtually via Zoom. Congratulations to Band Director Ms. Joanne Matanane and her talented students who have spent the past few months getting ready.
The LPUMS Band and Band Director Joanne Matanane perform in front of their families.
Wildcats Plant First Native Garden on Guam
Photos are contributed.
4-29-22: LPUMS Wildcats brought a native garden to life when they planted numerous indigenous trees on campus. In partnership with the Department of Agricculture's Forestry & Soil Resources Division, the LPUMS science department and students representing every team planted 45 trees made up of 8 native species. The event was streamed live to the rest of the campus via Zoom and Instagram.
Photo from Mrs. Woodward
Photo from DOA
Photo from KUAM
"On behalf of the Science Department, I wanted to say thank you for all your support," said Benny Chargualaf. "The 1st EVER Native tree garden would not have been possible without the collaboration and support of our school community. We did something historical and I'm glad we can share this accomplishment with our fellow Wildcat Familia. Un dangkalu na si yu'us ma' ase from the Science Department."
Wildcat First Middle Schooler to Attend Trade Program
8th Grader Shane Sharai has the distinction of being the first middle school student to attend the Guam Contractor's Association's Trade Academy. He completed the Laborer I program recently with other high school students.
In attendance to give him his certificate of completion was Deputy Superintendent Joseph Sanchez, who was instrumental in getting Shane into the program. "This success story was purely a serendipitous event that occurred when no one at home was able to watch him," said Career Education teacher Rowena Guerrero, "As a result, he would accompany his sister who was attending the academy over the summer. By chance, Deputy Superintendent, Joe Sanchez, stopped by and met Shane. Mr. Sanchez allowed him to take courses and the rest as they say, is history."
He has chosen to continue with the Laborer II program at the trade academy. Congratulations on a momentous accomplishment, Shane!
Mrs. Tanayan Nominated for National Teacher of the Year
Valerie Tanayan is one of two teachers nominated from Guam for the Patricia Behring Teacher of the Year Award. From left: Social Studies teacher Jorge Emmanuel, Guam History teacher Vincent Leon Guerrero, Valerie Tanayan, Principal Agnes Guerrero and Administrative Officer Jeanette Superales.
4-11-22: Mrs. Valerie Tanayan, an 8th grade Social Studies teacher at Luis P. Untalan Middle School, is one of two teachers nominated for the Patricia Behring Teacher of the Year award. The national award is sponsored by Patricia Behring in recognition of the pivotal role teachers play in the lives of students.
Each of the 58 National History Day affiliates in the U.S. nominate one high school and one middle school teacher for this award, and Mrs. Tanayan and Mr. Lazaro Quinata from Father Duenas High School are this year’s nominees from Guam. Every nominee for the $10,000 award is a teacher who demonstrates a commitment to engaging students in historical learning through the innovative use of primary sources, implementation of active learning strategies to foster historical thinking skills, and participation in the National History Day Contest. All nominees will receive $500 as a result of their nominations.
“This award recognizes the very best educators from across the nation and beyond,” said National History Day Executive Director Dr. Cathy Gorn. “These educators are leaders and innovators in the teaching of history, and we are all the more impressed because of the extended difficult teaching circumstances due to the pandemic during the last year. I wish to congratulate both Mrs. Tanayan and Mr. Quinata on their well-deserved nominations.”
STEM Club's Recycled Artwork Wins 3rd Place
L.P. Untalan Middle School STEM CLUB's submission for the Telling Tales with Trash Art Competition won 3rd Place! Throughout April until May 1, the entry titled "Turtle and the Canoe" was on display at the Guam Premier Outlets with other entries from public and private schools. Students from the club, headed by Advisor Arlene Castro, spent weeks collecting recycled materials and putting the beautiful artwork together. "Krishela Austria was the lead art designer of the project," said Ms. Castro. "She had a vision and the club made sure to stay true to it regarding the turtle, and the plastic bottle theme. The STEM club members stayed after school to work piece by piece to produce a massive sculpture. They were very proud of their work when installing it at GPO, people came over to complement them." Then, by mid-April, the public was asked to vote online. The STEM Club received $100 cash prize for their win from the Micronesia Climate Change Alliance—congratulations, STEM Club!
Wildcats SBA Helps the Homeless
4-22-22: LPUMS students, staff and faculty lent a hand at the Guam Homeless Coalition's Passport to Services event at the Ypao Beach Amphitheater. The annual event sought to reach out to the island's homeless community and provide necessary services to them. Officers from the Student Body Association went on a fieldtrip to the even, along with the school's social workers Eliza Cruz and Vanessa Nagal and SBA advisor Rozalyn Pama.
"I was very happy to help the ones in need and to see them also happy getting stuff that they may have a hard time getting," said SBA Secretary Christin Mafnas. "It was also something that we should do more often to help our community and give back. Overall, it was something that SBA could do for the community since the pandemic."
Students Receive Second Round of Supplies
The 6th/7th Grade Griffin team used their duffel bags during their May 20 field trip to the Onward Waterpark. Students said they were very grateful to have the bags.
4-20-22: Students received the second round of supplies paid for by the United States federal government through the American Rescue Plan. Funds under the application have been awarded to support instruction as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Students received: one duffel bag w/ matching lunch bag personalized with the school mascot, three composition notebooks, pencils, six cloth masks, one calculator, a dozen washable markers, one combination lock, and one glue.
For online students, parents were notified to come to the campus to pick up the supplies. Read the letter for Online Students here.
District-Wide Assessment Changed to May 2-6
4-20-22: The District-Wide Assessment for all grades has been moved back to the beginning of May due to a delay with testing materials. The annual testing with an adjusted bell schedule will begin on Monday, May 2 until Thursday, May 5. May 6 is make-up day. Online students will also have to come on campus to the district-wide assessment.
Parents, please make sure your son or daughter has a restful night's sleep and eats a well-balanced breakfast. Lunch will be provided to online students that come on campus, however, parents/guardians would still need to provide transportation to and from school.

The April and May calendars have been adjusted and distributed via Swift (text/email notification to parents.)
NJHS Inducts New Wildcats into Chapter
Scroll through our gallery of photos taken by Mr. Charles from Premium Art Photo.
4-13-22: Forty-four new members were inducted into the Fine'nena Chapter of the National Junior Honor Society during Easter Break. In a ceremony held in the beautifully decorated LPUMS Cafeteria, proud families watched as new members took the oath of membership in a candle-lighting ceremony, marking the chapter's 52nd Induction Ceremony.
"The NJHS advisors are extremely proud of all of the member’s accomplishments this school year, and we are thankful that we were able to do the Induction Ceremony in person," said Advisor Marissa Canda. "We are excited to see our newly elected officers, Anaiah Tareyama (President), Dylan Rasco (Vice President), Kayori Tores (Secretary), Ali’rha Munoz (Treasurer), Sarai Dela Cruz (PRO), Joseph Iwashita (Sgt. At Arms), and Mikhayla Marquez (Historian) lead the LPUMS wildcats next school year. We wish the 8th graders best of luck as they transition into High School!"
GDOE Schools on Spring Break April 11-18

4-8-22: The Guam Department of Education (GDOE) would like to remind the public that spring break for GDOE students begins Monday, April 11, 2022, and will end on Monday, April 18, 2022.
The classes for GDOE students will resume on Tuesday, April 19, 2022. As students return from spring break, GDOE would also like to remind students, their families, and community members that GDOE’s current school safety and health measures will remain in place through the end of April.
Join Virtual PTA Meeting on April 8

Meeting Agenda
4-7-22: Please join the Parent-Teacher Association meeting on Friday, April 8 at 6pm via Zoom. On the agenda are proposed changes to the constitution and bylaws.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 943 6554 7813
Passcode: LPUMSPTA
Please Take Our Mask Survey
4-1-22: Please take our mask survey, and click on the link. It may determine how our school and the district proceeds for next school year, so let your voices be heard!
NJHS Cleans Up Beach Park
3-26-22: The Luis P. Untalan Middle School National Junior Honor Society held a beach clean up at Ypao Beach park on Saturday. This is the first time the group has done such a large-scale group activity since before the Pandemic. Great job, wildcats!
Parent-Teacher Conference on March 28
3-23-22: Second Semester Parent-Teacher Conference will be on March 28 via Zoom/Google Meet or phone. Student progress reports will be sent out on March 25 via student email. Parents may physically come to the school to pick up their child's progress report, however, meetings with teachers must be conducted virtually.
Individual teams have sent out their letters to parents. Click on the following links for your child's team's letter.
Vote for our LipDub Submission
Please vote for our school's submission in Power98's LipDub Challenge. The 2022 eighth grade class brainstormed, shot, and edited the video, with some cameos from faculty and staff.
To vote, you must have a TikTok account. You can click on the video to watch from our website, but you must be logged in to TikTik to vote by clicking the like icon. The last day to vote is March 31 and winners will be announced on April 4.
Click on the video or go to this link.
Wildcats Celebrate Gupot CHamoru Activities
3-7-22: Silibrasion Mes CHamoru is here, wildcats! Beginning March 8, wildcats can wear an accessory or dress in the day's theme (see calendar). The CHamoru Language Department--made up of Señora Michelle Balajadia, Señora Marilyn Perez, Señot Jose Mesa and Señorita Valerie Cruz--also have presentations and activities planned beginning on March 14. Mr. Frankie Mateo and Mr. Benny Chargualaf are also helping with Mes CHamoru presentations.
This year's Mes CHamoru theme is "I Fino' CHamoru: Agon Iná'atoche, Hináhasta yan Hinéhemlo' Lina'la" (The CHamoru Language: Reconnecting, Rebuilding, and Recovering).
The Cafeteria will also have a special Mes CHamoru lunch menu from March 14-18.
Wildcats Mourn Science Teacher's Passing
On March 10, 2022, Luis P. Untalan Middle School lost one of its long-time teachers. Donald Seery, team Leopard's 8th Grade science teacher, passed away at Guam Memorial Hospital after a long illness. He taught at LPUMS since 2011 and previously taught at Agueda Johnston Middle School. He was 89.
Mr. Seery lived on Guam since 1973 and was an avid photographer. According to his travel website, he was a native of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and a graduate of the University of Georgia and Stephen F. Austin State University in Texas. Through the years, many of his photographs have graced the walls of restaurants, hotels, and our school offices. He was a published author, printing four photo books about Guam and it's people:
"Reflections of Tumon" (released in 1977),
"Hafa Adai Guam-A Visit to the Villages" (released in 1988),
“Reflections of Tumon: The Guam Sunset Book" (released in 2006), and
"Biba Manamko: A Memory and Legacy of Guam's Seniors" (released in 2018).
Since the 1980's, Mr. Seery also directed numerous expeditions of Indonesia and Thailand. View his travel website.
May Mr. Seery rest in peace. Last respects will be on Saturday, April 2 at the Guam United Methodist Church. View his online obituary for more information.
Don Seery's Published Photo Books on Guam and it's People
Make-up Picture Day is Tuesday, March 15
Premium Art Photo will be on campus all day 8:30am to 3:30pm on Tuesday, March 15 for Make-up Picture Day.
Students who missed Picture Week in February will be sent to the library by their Language Arts teacher. Pictures are taken of all students for school record in the Powerschool system. All students who take a picture will get a free student ID. Students do not have to purchase a picture packet to take their picture for the student ID.
Students who wish to re-take their purchased portrait from February must purchase another picture packet (see envelope picture for prices). Payment must be made in cash, in exact amount. Checks are not accepted.
NJHS Toiletry Drive Collects Needed Supplies
In the first half of March, the National Junior Honor Society sought donations from the Luis P. Untalan community for toiletries to go towards three non-profit local organizations: Alee Shelter, Kate Thomas Foundation and Harvest House. Thank you to everyone who donated these very necessary items, and great job to the NJHS students and advisors for organizing the worthy cause!
From left to right: Kayori Toves, Sophia Youn, Aiden Kim, Jessica Basaliza, Anaiah Tareyama, and Sarai Dela Cruz help collect donations for the LPUMS Toiletry drive.
Left to right: Mrs. Guerrero, Sarah Serisola, Aevah Iglesias, Joseph Iwashita, Sarai Dela Cruz, Ali’rha Munoz, Jordan Calimlim, Anaiah Tareyama, Dylan Rasco, and Micael Pineda help deliver Toiletry donations to ALEE shelter representatives (right).
Toiletry donations were delivered to Harvest House by advisor Marissa Canda (left) to a Harvest House representative.
Student Historians Win School Competition
Students spent hours, afterschool and on the weekends, researching important historical Guam events and people to create projects for this year's National History Day Competition. This year's theme: Debate & Diplomacy in History: Successes, Failures, Consequences. They created projects in 8 categories from websites and documentaries to exhibits and research paper. There was even a performance category.
Students who won the school competition will compete in the islandwide competition on March 19. Winners from that competition will represent Guam in the National History Competition.
Congratulations to our LPUMS winners:
Paper: <Ist> Alyssa-Faith Togawa <2nd> Raeka Blanco
Website Individual: <1st> Dane Dantos <2nd> Christin Mafnas
Website Group: <1st>Seth Verroya & Josiah Palomo <2nd> Savannah Dela Rosa & Mikaela Borja
Documentary Individual: <1st> Sophia Youn <2nd>Aiden Kim
Documentary Group: <1st> Tasi Iglesias & Kailey Babauta
Performance Group: <1st>Arabella Abaya & Jessica Basaliza
First place winners in the group exhibit category are Colleen Concepcion and Isabella Olivario.
Individual exhibit first place winner is Genara Danila.
Second place in the group exhibit category are Jaelyn Han and Cadence Guzman.
Individual exhibit second place winner is Zoey San Nicolas.
Best Wishes to Our Retiring Wildcat, Ms. Millie
School Aide Millie Tedtaotao had been welcoming students onto the wildcat campus for more than three decades. She was at the sentry, walking the hallways, substituting classes, monitoring students during lunchtimes, and everything else in between. In February 2022, she finally decided to retire.
"Thank you all for an amazing 30+ years! It’s been an honor to be a wildcat, working alongside amazing faculty, staff, and admin! I will miss you all! Continue to stay safe and healthy! I wish you all nothing but the best!" she said in a farewell message to her second family.
Students Receive Cloth Face Masks
Consolidated Grant teacher aide Jerica Taitingfong leads students to the table for receiving the masks.
Each set has 3 black and 5 white cloth masks.
2-28-22: Students were given free face masks courtesy of federal emergency funds. During lunch, students lined up to receive three black and five white cloth face masks. The face masks were packed by Consolidated Grant teacher aides and National Junior Honor Society members.
The masks were funded by the U.S. Department of Education - Consolidated Grant to the Outlying Areas and the Education Stabilization Fund - State Educational Agency (ESF-SEA).
Stay safe everyone and keep wearing your masks!
Consolidated Grant teacher aide Barbara Quichocho and NJHS students (Anaiah, Sarai, and Dylan) help distribute the masks.
NJHS students (Ali'rha, Krishela, and Colleen) and Consolidated Grant teacher aide JD Kim pack the masks.
Consolidated Grant teacher aides pack the hundreds of masks. From left are Ina Attao, JD Kim, Barbara Quichocho, Jerica Taitingfong, Adrian Ada, & Vince Leon Guerrero II. Not pictured are CG's Kristine Park, Rico Castro, & Elizabeth Ngiracheling.
Lady Wildcats Finish Season in 2nd Place
The Lady Wildcats Volleyball team won their last game against Inarajan Middle School to finish their season with a 12-4 record, which placed them just one game from the champions. The team placed second in the Interscholastic Sports Association's Middle School Volleyball league, behind Guam Adventist Academy. Guided by Head Coach Rodney Pama and Assistant Coach Richard Santos, the team co-captains were Savannah Dela Rosa and Cadence Guzman. Great job, Lady Wildcats!
Above: The Lady Wildcats play against Agueda Johnston Middle School Dragons in the AJMS gym.
Below: The team huddles while their families look on.
Wildcats Place 2nd in Rugby
Wildcat rugby teams (boys and girls) placed in the Interscholastic Sports Association's Middle School Rugby League. Lead by Head Coach Ratu Uluiviti and Assistant Coach Shanei Avilla, the boys team was able to prevail over most of the middle school teams by placing 2nd overall by the end of the season. The girls team placed 4th overall. Below are some of the players in the rugby teams. Congratulations, wildcats!
Wildcats Compete to be School's Spelling Bee Champs
6th Grade Cheetah David Huang won the school Spelling Bee. With him are Principal Mrs. Guerrero and Spelling Bee Coordinator Mrs. Indalecio.
2-24-22: Luis P. Untalan held a school-wide Spelling Bee competition today to determine its champs for the Islandwide SCRIPPS Spelling Bee competition. Sixth-grade Cheetah David Huang prevailed over the other finalists. Runner-up was seventh-grade Tiger James Madlangbayan. They will represent the wildcats at the island-wide SCRIPPS Spelling Bee on March 12 at Harvest Christian Academy.
Thank you to the teachers who helped organize the competition, especially the Spelling Bee Coordinator Sheila Indalecio (Griffins Reading teacher), Tigers Language Arts teacher Ramona Duenas, Lynx Reading teacher Chirika Fernandez, Griffins Language Arts teacher Christian Gomez, Tigers Reading teacher Jessica Laurora, and Lions Language Arts teacher Ha'ane Leon Guerrero.
7th Grade Tiger James Madlangbayan is the Runner-Up.
The Spelling Bee Finalists stand with Principal Mrs. Guerrero and the teachers who coordinated the competition.
The Spelling Bee finalists were: Maximiliano Ayala, David Huang, Marvin Reyes, Alexa Acabado, James Madlangbayan, Giselle Guiao, Jayden Santos, Destiny Cruz, and Chloe Verbo.
Students' & Parents' Input Sought for Student Dining Survey
2-18-22: Guam Department of Education wants students' and parents/guardians' input to improve school meals.
LPUMS students and parents/guardians, please go to the following links to take the online survey by March 2, 2022.
LPUMS Gardens Get Started
The students in the STEM Program at Luis P. Untalan are currently working on the raised-bed and aquaponics gardens. Students in Mr. Chargualaf's 8th grade science class have been working on building the soil at the LPUMS garden since January. Mr. Benny Chargualaf said they have received donations of compost and mulch from the University of Guam, and combined them with organic manure and shredded paper to reduce waste and jump-start the composting process in the raised beds. Next up is acquiring talapia and bangus for the tanks to fertilize the plants.
In the aquaponics area, Ms. Arlene Castro also has her Pre-AP science class students building the system for growing herbs and recycling water from the fish pond. Ms. Castro said most of their supplies were provided from GDOE's STEM AQUAPONICS training. Next for their project is to retrieving talapia from the Masso Reservoir.
Top left and right: students from Mr. Chargualaf's 8th grade science classes work on the raised bed gardens that use donated compost and mulch as well as organic manure and shredded paper to reduce waste and jump-start the composting process.
Bottom Left: students from Ms. Castro's pre-AP science classes develop the aquaponics system for growing herbs, which includes bins with lava rocks, styrofoam boards, PVC pipes, and artificial pool made with concrete blocks and tarp. Talapia from the Masso Reservoir will soon be introduced in the system.
Community Donates to LPUMS Band Program
From left: former senator Louise Borja, Principal Agnes Guerrero, Band member Tristan Alvarez, and Band Director Joanne Matanane Sosa.
2-22-22: KUAM highlighted a generous donation to Luis P. Untalan Middle School's Band program. Former senator Louise Borja--along with help from the Guam Firefighters Organization for Activities and Morale and drummers from the island's music community--donated 30 buckets and 30 sets of drumsticks.
"Even in this time of COVID, it's part of social and emotional health," said LPUMS Band Director Joanne Matanane-Sosa. "Kids need it. Kids need something to do, need something beautiful, they need to know aesthetics, they need something to express themselves,
All Students Will Be Tested from Feb. 21 to 25

2-17-22: All students will be tested in reading and math from Feb. 21 to 25. Face-to-face students will be taking the online assessment during the week, and online students will come to the campus on Feb. 23 and 24. Please read the letter from Mrs. Guerrero.
Valentines Day Jump Starts February Spirit Week
2-11-22: For the week of February 14 to 18, wildcats will get a chance to show their love and school spirit! They have five opportunities to wear a t-shirt/outfit or wear an accessory according to that day's theme.
Monday: Hearts
Tuesday: Disney
Wednesday: Pink
Thursday: College
Friday: Throwback
See the flyer for more info. Black bottoms must be worn with theme shirts. Students not following the theme must be in full uniform or face disciplinary action.
Counselors Honored for National Counselors Week
2-11-22: Our administrators honored our three school counselors with gifts for their hard work this year. We are very grateful for all of their helpful presentations, scheduling assistance, personal student counseling and other services they have provided to students and school staff. From left: Principal Agnes Guerrero, Counselor Joshua Pangelinan, Counselor Dhyana Edwards, Counselor Jerena Camacho, Assistant Principal Corazon Elane, and Administrative Officer Jeanette Superales.
Get Ready for Picture Week, Wildcats!
1-25-22: Premium Art Photo will be at Luis P. Untalan Middle School on January 31 to February 4 to take pictures of all students, teachers, and staff. All students will need to take a picture for Powerschool, the school management system, and student ID's. They can purchase their photos according to five packages that range from $27-$45.
Students are not required to purchase a photo. Laminated student ID's will be provided to all who take a picture. Plastic ID's will be provided to students who purchase a package. Additional information was provided by Language Arts teachers, who have also passed out the envelopes.
Online students are also asked to come in on Wednesday, Feb. 2 to take their school portraits.
*** Reminder: All students taking school portraits must be in full uniform (uniform top & black bottom). Please see Ms. Elane in the Student Support Office (SSO) if you need a uniform. ***
Wildcats Tapped for National Junior Honor Society
1-21-22: Forty-five wildcats were tapped to become members of the prestigious National Junior Honor Society at Luis P. Untalan Middle School. Six 6th graders, twelve 7th graders and twenty-seven 8th graders were selected. Online students were invited to a Zoom session where they were also informed of their selection.
"These students were chosen based on recommendations from their teachers, applications, essays, and interviews that conveyed the five pillars of NJHS," said NJHS advisor Hannah Guevara. "We'd like to thank our faculty council members, team leaders, administration, and Wildcat teachers for their continued support!"
Congratulations to the following students for their selection in the National Junior Honor Society:
Superintendent Pushes for Strict Stance on Discipline
1-14-22: Superintendent Jon Fernandez sent out a letter to parents and students regarding the recent reports of campus violence. "I am instructing GDOE School Administrators to take immediate disciplinary action with regard to any and all students who participate in, arrange, or instigate an violent acts at school or in connection with a school activity or event."